
I’m a writer who still believes in fairy tales. I see them every day around me, when a patient miraculously starts to walk again after an injury, when my guinea pig Oreo teaches me about unconditional love, when something beautiful happens that you can’t explain.

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” –Neil Gaiman paraphrasing G.K. Chesterton

When I was 19, I almost died from a car accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury. Although doctors forecasted a <5% chance of survival, I beat the odds and returned to college ten months later, with the aid, love, and support of doctors, nurses, therapists, and–most of all–family and friends.

This blog is inspired from my belief that when bad things happen, good things can come next. It’s not just about one door closing and another opening–it’s about absorbing that experience and turning it into good. It’s about my belief that things don’t always land jelly-side down, even if some people will tell you that they do.

For me, that car accident was the beginning of the next chapter of my life. It gave me perspective and focus. My dream was always to be a writer and help people with my words. Now, I know just how to do that. In a truly literary turn of events, I am now working as a writer for Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, where I received my outstanding inpatient and outpatient therapy. I get the chance to give back every day by helping other people tell their stories of success and inspiring people not to give up. I help to raise money through my writing and public speaking. I get to pour my heart and soul into a place I really believe in.

I’ve got a lot to be grateful for. I have a lot to say, too, about writing, life, and love. I hope you will join me on this journey, the book of my life, through my adventures and misadventures. There will be a lot of fun, some tears, and several missteps balanced with successes, I’m sure. I’ll talk about my writing/publishing efforts, about that cute thing Oreo did, about my oddly and intensely (but wonderfully) close family, about brilliant or terrible books, about my love of love. I hope you’ll come away with a few laughs or a few tears. But most of all, I hope you’ll come away with the belief that when you fall, sometimes, you land jelly-side up.

All of the text, images, etc. appearing on this blog are my own work and under my ownership, unless otherwise cited. If you would like me to take down your image or cite it differently, please let me know; no copyright infringement intended. Please ask me before sharing any of my work. Thank you!

16 thoughts on “About

  1. I am looking forward with great anticipation of your adventures and perspectives Amanda!! You certainly are a wonderful inspiration to us all. Best of luck to you and I love your jelly side up character and analogy!


  2. Pingback: Audiobook Month & History of a Reluctant Aural Fanatic | Jelly-Side Up

  3. Hi there,
    Miranda and Tiffanie here, your story is really incredible and we really liked reading some of your posts. Recently we were nominated for the Liebster award and we wanted to nominate you too. We hope you participate, you don’t have to though, but here are some questions we asked if you do decide to: http://mtbooookish.wordpress.com/2013/12/13/liebster-nomination-warning-very-long-post/

    -Miranda and Tiffanie (PS we are not spam bots – we promise, that actually sounds like a spam bot thing to say.. oh noooo)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Z is for Zephyr | Alex Hurst

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